(Location: University of Zurich (UZH) and ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Thursday, 28 June 2018
15:00 Registration and Coffee (ETH, Uhrenhalle)
16:00 Plenary Session with Keynote Address and General Discussion (ETH, F3)
Rohini Pande, Harvard University
17:00 Walk from ETH to University of Zurich
17:30 Poster Session with Coffee (University of Zurich, RAA Atrium & E-30)
Foreign Aid
- Paper 1: Gerda Asmus (Heidelberg University), Vera Eichenauer (ETH Zurich), Andreas Fuchs (Helmut Schmidt University and Kiel Institute for the World Economy) and Bradley Parks (College of William and Mary). China-India Aid Competition? An Analysis of Chinese and Indian Development Projects. Discussants: Markus Brückner, Pablo Selaya
- Paper 2: Andreas Fuchs (Helmut Schmidt University and Kiel Institute for the World Economy) and Hannes Öhler (German Development Institute). Does Private Aid Follow the Flag? Discussants: Oscar Becerra, Günther Fink, Rainer Thiele
- Paper 3: Silvia Marchesi (University of Milano Bicocca) and Tania Masi (University of Milano Bicocca). What does Influence the Choice of the Implementation Level? Evidence from the World Bank. Discussants: Simone Dietrich, Erasmus Kersting
- Paper 4: Bruno Martorano (Maastricht University), Laura Metzger (ETH Zurich) and Marco Sanfillipo (University of Bari). Chinese Development Assistance and Household Welfare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Discussants: Christian Bjørnskov, Christopher Kilby
- Paper 5: Canh Dang (University of Nottingham) and Trudy Owens (University of Nottingham). Why Do NGOs Diversify? Risk Reduction or Private Gain? Discussants: Sarah Langlotz, Andrea Presbitero
- Paper 6: Maria Berlin (SITE Stockholm), Evelina Bonnier (SITE Stockholm) and Anders Olofsgård (SITE Stockholm). The Donor Footprint and Gender Gaps. Discussants: Kai Gehring, Stephan Klasen
- Paper 1: Chiara Kofol (ZEF Bonn) and Maryam Naghsh Nejad (IZA Bonn). Child Labor and the Arrival of Refugees: Evidence from Tanzania. Discussants: Michael Koelle, Guilherme Lichand
- Paper 2: Jonas Jessen (DIW) and Jochen Kluve (Humboldt-Universität Berlin). The Effectiveness of Formalization Interventions in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies. Discussants: Sanjay Jain, Maria Sviatschi
Learning and Education
- Paper 1: Madhuri Agarwal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Ana Balcão Reis (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Teacher Quality, Alternative Hiring Policy and Student Outcomes: Evidence from India. Discussants: Chitra Jogani, Martina Viarengo
- Paper 2: Arnab Basu (Cornell University), Ralitza Dimova (University of Manchester), Patrick Gbakou (Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny) and Romane Viennet (Sciences Po). Parental Behavioral Preferences and Child Educational Outcomes: Lab-in-the-field evidence from Cote d’Ivoire. Discussants: Christine Binzel, Marc Witte
- Paper 3: Veronica Frisancho (Inter-American Development Bank). The Impact of School-Based Financial Education on High School Students and their Teachers: Experimental Evidence from Peru. Discussants: Kriszina Kis-Katos, Sumon Majumdar
- Paper 4: Anna Minasyan (University of Groningen), Juliane Zenker (University of Goettingen), Stephan Klasen (University of Goettingen) and Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen). Evidence on Education Gender Gap and Economic Growth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Discussants: Christian Lessmann, Orkun Saka
- Paper 5: Cristian Crespo (London School of Economics). Focusing on Double Vision: Are Proxy Means Tests Effective to Identify Future School Dropouts and the Poor? Discussants: Ulrike Grote, Tewodaj Mogues
- Paper 6: Janina Isabel Steinert (University of Oxford), Lucie Dale Cluver (University of Cape Town), Franziska Meinck (North-West University), Jenny Doubt (University of Goettingen) and Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen). Household Economic Strengthening through Saving and Budgeting: Evidence from a Field Experiment in South Africa. Discussants: Martin Abel, Dina Pomeranz
- Paper 7: Dorothee Bühler (University of Hannover) and Ulrike Grote (University of Hannover). Mother’s Money, Child’s Opportunity: Evidence from Intra-Household Allocation in Vietnam. Discussants: Margherita Calderone, Tim Kaiser
- Paper 1: Masaru Nagashima (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) and Chikako Yamauchi (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies). Pregnant in Haste? Evidence of Reproductive Behaviours in Uganda. Discussants: Santosh Kumar, Manuel Santos Silva
- Paper 2: Silvia Garcia Mandico (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Arndt Reichert (World Bank) and Christoph Strupat (German Development Institute). Our Financial Hardship and My Sacrifice – The Impact of the Public Health Insurance Scheme on Child Labor in Ghana. Discussants: Christelle Dumas, Christophe Muller
- Paper 3: Raphael Cottin (Université Paris Dauphine) and Abdelkader Teto (Observatoire National du Développement Humain). Is ‘Free’ Healthcare Enough to Insure Consumption against Illness? Evidence from a Targeted Hospital Fee Waiver in Morocco. Discussants: Alexander Moradi, Sebastian Vollmer
- Paper 4: Maximilian Linek (Hertie School of Governance). Dictating Development: The Effect of Community Work on Health Indicators and Fertility. Discussants: Gabriel Burdin, Souvik Datta
- Paper 5: Lennart Kaplan (Heidelberg University), Jana Kuhnt (University of Goettingen), Katharina Richert (Heidelberg University) and Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen). What Makes a Successful Development Intervention? The Theory of Planned Behaviour – An Application to Implementation Research. Discussants: Rossa O’Keeffe-O’Donovan, Santiago Saavedra
- Paper 6: Barry Hashimoto (American University of Sharjah) and Stefan Priebe (Queen Mary University of London). The Destruction of Human Capital and Social Relationships in the Death of Yugoslavia: An Investigation of Mental Trauma and Other Causal Mechanisms. Discussants: Matthias Flueckiger, Wolfgang Stojetz
- Paper 7: Martina Zahno (University of Zurich), Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich), Purnamita Dasgupta (Institute of Economic Growth Delhi) and Ishita Sachdeva (Delhi University). A Question of Awareness? Policy Instruments for a Sustainable Transition towards Clean Cooking Fuels in India. Discussants: Michael Grimm, Atonu Rabbani
- Paper 8: Dierk Herzer (Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg) and Korbinian Nagel (Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg). The Effects of Adult and Non-Adult Mortality on Long-Run Economic Development: Evidence from a Heterogeneous Dynamic and Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel of Countries between 1800 and 2010. Discussants: Stephan Maurer, Karan Nagpal
Political Economy
- Paper 1: Manuel Oechslin (University of Lucerne) and Elias Steiner (University of Lucerne). Statistical Capacity and Corrupt Bureaucracies. Discussants: Sarah Brierley, Ira Gang
- Paper 2: Klaus Gründler (University of Würzburg) and Tommy Krieger (University of Konstanz). Machine Learning Indices, Political Institutions, and Economic Development. Discussants: Richard Bluhm, David Mihalyi
- Paper 3: Christian Düben (Hamburg University) and Melanie Krause (Hamburg University). Population, Light and the Size Distribution of Cities. Discussants: Martin Gassebner, Roland Hodler
Globalization and Development
- Paper 1: Tobias Stöhr (Kiel Institute for the World Economy). Exchange Rates, Migrant Sorting and Remittances. Discussants: Dany Jaimovich, Patrizio Piraino
- Paper 2: Jean-Paul Azam (Toulouse School of Economics) and Claire Galez-Davis (Toulouse School of Economics). The New Mercantilism: An Hourglass Approach to Global Value Chains. Discussants: Rune Jansen Hagen, Carsten Hefeker
- Paper 3: Caroline Schimanski (Hanken School of Economics). Do Multinational Companies Shift Profits out of Developing Countries? New Evidence or Need for Better Data. Discussants: Matthias Schündeln, Dawit Tessema
- Paper 4: Arash Naghavi (University of Wuppertal and University of Konstanz) and Amin Z. Ashtiani (Luiss Guido Carli University). Was Railroad Expansion a Success Story of the British Colonial Rule in India? A Long-Term Perspective. Discussants: Sam Asher, Ferdinand Rauch
Risk and Insurance
- Paper 1: Andreas Landmann (Paris School of Economics), Björn Vollan (University of Marburg), Karla Henning (University of Goettingen) and Markus Frölich (University of Mannheim.) Crowding-Out or Crowding-In? Heterogeneous Effects of Insurance on Solidarity. Discussants: Macartan Humphreys, Susan Steiner
- Paper 2: Sabine Liebenehm (Leibniz University Hannover), Nele Degener (Leibniz University Hannover) and Eric Strobl (University of Bern). Rainfall Shocks and Risk Aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia. Discussants: Neil Bennett, Nandita Krishnaswamy
- Paper 3: Rozenn Hotte (Paris School of Economics) and Karine Marazyan (IEDES – University of Paris). Demand for Insurance and Within-Kin-Group Marriage: Evidence from a West African Country. Discussants: Lorenzo Casaburi, Jann Lay
- Paper 4: Konstantinos Matakos (King’s College London), Dimitrios Minos (King’s College London), Ari Perdana (Asian Development Bank) and Eliszabeth Radin (Columbia University). Does it Pay to Participate? Discussants: Jasmin Gröschl, George Ofosu
19:00 Award Ceremony for the Prize for Excellence in Applied Development Research sponsored by the KfW Development Bank (UZH, RAA Auditorium)
20:00 Conference Dinner (Guild House “Zum Rüden”)
Friday, 29 June 2018 (University of Zurich, RAA)
9:00 Parallel Sessions 1
Session 1A: Labor I (RAA-E-08)
- Paper 1: Maria Sviatschi (Columbia University). Making a Narco: Childhood Exposure to Illegal Labor. Markets and Criminal Life Paths.
- Paper 2: Christelle Dumas (University of Fribourg). Productivity Shocks and Child Labor: The Role of Credit and Labor Markets.
- Paper 3: Günther Fink (Swiss TPH and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), B. Kelsey Jack (Tufts University) and Felix Masiye (University of Zambia). Seasonal Liquidity, Rural Labor Markets and Agricultural Production: Evidence from Zambia.
- Paper 4: Martin Abel (Middlebury College), Rulof Burger (Stellenbosch University), Eliana Carranza (World Bank) and Patrizio Piraino (University of Cape Town). Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap? The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment.
Session 1B: Economic History (RAA-E-12)
- Paper 1: Guy Michaels (London School of Economics and Political Science), Dzhamilya Nigmatulina (London School of Economics and Political Science), Ferdinand Rauch (University of Oxford), Tanner Regan (London School of Economics and Political Science), Neeraj Baruah (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Amanda Dahlstrand-Rudin (London School of Economics and Political Science). Planning Ahead for Better Neighborhoods: Long Run Evidence from Tanzania.
- Paper 2: Felix Meier Zu Selhausen (University of Sussex), Alexander Moradi (University of Sussex) and Remi Jedwab (George Washington University). The Economics of Missionary Expansion and the Compression of History.
- Paper 3: Bruno Caprettini (University of Zurich) and Joachim Voth (University of Zurich). Rage Against the Machines. Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in England, 1830-32.
- Paper 4: Carl-Johan Dalgaard (University of Copenhagen), Nicolai Kaarsen (Danish Economic Council), Ola Olsson (University of Gothenburg) and Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen). Roman Roads to Prosperity: Persistence and Non-Persistence of Public Goods Provision.
Session 1C: Political Economy I (RAA-E-21)
- Paper 1: Arash Naghavi (University of Wuppertal and University of Konstanz) and Shujaat Farooq (Pakistan Institute of Development Economics). Colonial Indirect Rule and Pre-colonial Ethnic Institutions: Evidence from British India.
- Paper 2: Paper 2: Sam Asher (World Bank), Paul Novosad (Dartmouth College) and Charlie Rafkin (National Bureau of Economic Research). Intergenerational Mobility in India: New Findings from Administrative Data.
- Paper 3: Christophe Muller (Aix-Marseille University) and Pierre Pecher (Aix-Marseille University). Transborder Ethnic Kin and Local Prosperity: Evidence from Night-Time Light Intensity in Africa.
- Paper 4: Christian Bommer (University of Goettingen), Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University) and Marcello Perez (University of Goettingen). Regional and Ethnic Favoritism in the Allocation of Humanitarian Aid.
Session 1D: Finance and Development (RAA-E-27)
- Paper 1: Kristina Czura (University of Munich) and Stefan Klonner (Heidelberg University). Credit Allocation in Response to an Aggregate Shock. Evidence from Local Credit Networks and the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
- Paper 2: Jonathan Stöterau (Humboldt University Berlin). The Impact of Voluntary Financial Literacy Trainings on Financial Behavior. Large-Sample Evidence from Kenyan Bank Account Data.
- Paper 3: Tim Kaiser (University of Koblenz-Landau) and Lukas Menkhoff (Humboldt-University of Berlin). Active Learning Fosters Financial Behavior: Evidence from Rural Uganda.
- Paper 4: Sumit Agarwal (Georgetown University), Thomas Kigabo (National Bank of Rwanda), Camelia Minoiu (IMF), Andrea Presbitero (IMF) and Andre F. Silva (IMF). Financial Access Under the Microscope.
Session 1E: Decentralization and Spatial Diffusion (RAA-E-29)
- Paper 1: Ashani Amarasinghe (Monash University), Roland Hodler (University of St. Gallen), Paul Raschky (Monash University) and Yves Zenou (Monash University). Spatial Diffusion of Economic Shocks in Networks.
- Paper 2: Gabriel Felbermayr (ifo Institute), Jasmin Gröschl (ifo Institute), Mark Sanders (Utrecht School of Economics), Vincent Schippers (Utrecht School of Economics) and Thomas Steinwachs (ifo Institute). Illuminating the Spatial Connectivity of Disasters.
- Paper 3: Katrina Kosec (International Food Policy Research Institute) and Tewodaj Mogues (International Food Policy Research Institute). Decentralisation without Democracy.
- Paper 4: Richard Bluhm (Leibniz University Hannover), Christian Lessmann (University of Braunschweig) and Paul Schaudt (Leibniz University Hannover). The Economic Effects of District Reforms.
10:45 Coffee Break (UZH, RAA Atrium & E30)
11:15 Parallel Sessions 2
Session 2A: Labor II (RAA-E-08)
- Paper 1: Ina Ganguli (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard University), Martina Viarengo (The Graduate Institute, Geneva). Career Dynamics and Gender Gaps among Employees in the Microfinance Sector.
- Paper 2: Oscar Becerra (Universidad de los Andes). The Value of a Promise: Future Pension Benefits and Labor Supply Allocation in a Developing Economy.
- Paper 3: Michael Koelle (University of Oxford). Microenterprises and the Lure of Wage Work: Theory and Evidence from Mexico.
- Paper 4: Marc Witte (University of Oxford). Job Referrals and Strategic Network Formation – Experimental Evidence from Urban Neighbourhoods in Ethiopia.
Session 2B: Institutions (RAA-E-12)
- Paper 1: Fernando M. Aragón (Simon Fraser University) and Anke Kessler (Simon Fraser University). Property Rights on First Nation’s Reserve Land.
- Paper 2: Sam Asher (World Bank), Karan Nagpal (University of Oxford) and Paul Novosad (Dartmouth College). The Cost of Distance: Geography and Governance in Rural India.
- Paper 3: Sumon Majumdar (Queen’s University) and Sharun Mukand (Queen’s University). The Leader as Catalyst: On Mass Movements and the Mechanics of Institutional Change.
- Paper 4: Christian Bjørnskov (Aarhus University). Institutional Shocks and Economic Crises.
Session 2C: Political Economy II (RAA-E-21)
- Paper 1: Anirban Mitra (University of Kent), Shabana Mitra (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) and Arnab Mukherji (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore). Cash for Votes: Evidence from India.
- Paper 2: Anderson Frey (University of Rochester). Cash Transfers, Clientelism, and Political Enfranchisement: Evidence from Brazil.
- Paper 3: George Ofosu (Washington University in St. Louis). Do Fair Elections Increase Politicians’ Responsiveness?
- Paper 4: Çagatay Bircan (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and Orkun Saka (London School of Economics and Political Science). Political Lending Cycles and Real Outcomes: Evidence from Turkey.
Session 2D: Conflict (RAA-E-27)
- Paper 1: Sarah Langlotz (Heidelberg University). Community Cohesion in Times of Conflict.
- Paper 2: Tilman Brück (International Security and Development Center) and Wolfgang Stojetz (International Security and Development Center and Humboldt University of Berlin). War and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Angolan Veteran Families.
- Paper 3: Andreas Eberhard-Ruiz (University of Sussex). The Impact of Armed Conflict on Local Cross-Border Trade: Evidence from the Border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Paper 4: Kai Gehring (University of Zurich) and Lukas Willi (London School of Economics and Political Science). Farmers vs. Industrialists: Within-Elite Conflict and its Effect on Industrialization in the US South.
Session 2E: Migration (RAA-E-29)
- Paper 1: Ira N. Gang (Rutgers University), Melanie Khamis (Wesleyan University) and John Landon-Lane (Rutgers University). Migration and Household Informal Activity.
- Paper 2: Clémentine Sadania (Aix-Marseille University). Empowerment at Marriage: International Migration and the Egyptian Marriage Market.
- Paper 3: Neil Bennett (University of California). Migration in Response to Long-Run Weather Variation.
- Paper 4: Sanjay Jain (University of Oxford), Sumon Majumdar (Queen’s University) and Sharun W. Mukand (University of Warwick). Barbarians at the Gate? Culture and the Political Economy of Migration Policy.
Session 2F: Poverty, Productivity, Deforestation, and Fertility (RAA-G-15)
- Paper 1: Achmad Tohari (University of Western Australia), Christopher Parsons (University of Western Australia) and Anu Rammohan (University of Western Australia). Targeting Poverty under Complementarities: Evidence from Indonesia’s Unified Targeting System.
- Paper 2: Nandita Krishnaswamy (Columbia University). At What Price? Price Supports, Agricultural Productivity, and Misallocation.
- Paper 3: Simon Heß (Goethe University Frankfurt), Dany Jaimovich (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Matthias Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt). Community-Driven Deforestation? Experimental Evidence from a Rural Development Program in West Africa.
- Paper 4: Christoph Kubitza (University of Goettingen) and Esther Gehrke (University of Goettingen). Why Does a Labor-Saving Technology Decrease Fertility Rates? Evidence from the Oil Palm Boom in Indonesia.
13:00 Lunch (UZH, Student Canteen)
14:15 Parallel Sessions 3
Session 3A: Labor III (RAA-E-08)
- Paper 1: Declan French (Queens University Belfast), Jonathan Brink (University of Cape Town) and Till Bärnighausen (Heidelberg University), Early ART and Labor Outcomes.
- Paper 2: Marcelo Bergolo (Universidad de La República), Gabriel Burdin (University of Leeds), Mauricio Da Rosa (Universidad de La República), Matías Giaccobasso (Anderson School of Management) and Martín Leites (Universidad de La República). Tax Bunching at the Kink in the Presence of Low Capacity of Enforcement: Evidence from Uruguay.
- Paper 3: Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Camilo García-Jimeno (University of Pennsylvania) and Rossa O’Keeffe-O’Donovan (University of Oxford). Program Evaluation in the Presence of Strategic Interactions.
- Paper 4: Robert Fletcher (Stanford University) and Santiago Saavedra (Universidad del Rosario). Job Migration in a Rivalry Setting.
Session 3B: Health and Conflict (RAA-E-12)
- Paper 1: Cara Ebert (University of Goettingen) and Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen). Early Childhood Development and the Heterogeneity in Son Preferences for the Next Born Child in India.
- Paper 2: Fidel Gonzalez (Sam Houston State University) and Santosh Kumar (Sam Houston State University). Effect of Health Insurance on Birth Weight in Mexico.
- Paper 3: Chia-Yu Tsai (Mannheim University). Protest and Power Structure in China.
- Paper 4: Matthias Flueckiger (Queen’s University Belfast), Markus Ludwig (University of Bayreuth) and Ali Sina Önder (Queen’s University Belfast). Ebola, Resistance and State Legitimacy.
Session 3C: Political Economy III (RAA-E-21)
- Paper 1: Chitra Jogani (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign). Effect of Political Quotas on Attributes of Political Candidates and Provision of Public Goods.
- Paper 2: James Cust (World Bank) and David Mihalyi (Natural Resource Governance Institute). Evidence for a Presource Curse? Oil Discoveries, Elevated Expectations, and Growth Disappointments.
- Paper 3: Sarah Brierley (Washington University). Unprincipled Principals: Co-opted Bureaucrats and Corruption in Local Governments in Ghana.
- Paper 4: Michael Mbate (London School of Economics and Political Science). The Distortionary Effects of Partisanship on Political Corruption and Accountability: Evidence from Kenya.
Session 3D: Education and Migration (RAA-E-27)
- Paper 1: Stephan Maurer (University of Konstanz). Oil Discoveries and Education Spending in the Postbellum South.
- Paper 2: Christine Binzel (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Rajesh Ramachandran (Heidelberg University). Vernacularization, Power and Institutional Change: Evidence from the Reformations.
- Paper 3: Nicola Coniglio (University of Bari) and Rune Jansen Hagen (University of Bergen). Paid to Go or Paid to Come? A Model of Assisted Return Migration.
- Paper 4: Nina Cunha (Stanford University), Guilherme Lichand (University of Zurich), Ricardo Madeira (University of São Paulo) and Eric Bettinger (Stanford University). What is It About Communicating with Parents?
Session 3E: Foreign Aid (RAA-E-29)
- Paper 1: Simone Dietrich (University of Geneva), Raymond Hicks (Princeton University), Helen Milner (Princeton University) and Jonathan Slapin (University of Essex). From Text to Political Positions on Foreign Aid: Analysis of Aid Mentions in Party Manifestos from 1960 to 2013.
- Paper 2: Erasmus Kersting (Villanova University) and Christopher Kilby (Villanova University). Does the World Bank move markets?
- Paper 3: Chris Humphrey (University of Zurich) and Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich). China in Africa: Competition for Traditional Development Finance Institutions?
- Paper 4: Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University), Valentin Lang (University of Zurich), Peter Rosendorff (New York University) and James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown University). Buying Votes with Foreign Aid: The Dirty-Work Hypothesis.
Session 3F: Gender (RAA-G-15)
- Paper 1: Alexander Danzer (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Christa Hainz (ifo Institute), Stefanie Kleimeier (Maastricht University) and Shusen Qi (Xiamen University). Are Women Better Negotiators? Evidence from Credit Contracts in an Emerging Market.
- Paper 2: Manuel Santos Silva (University of Goettingen), Amy C. Alexander (University of Gothenburg), Stephan Klasen (University of Goettingen) and Christian Welzel (Leuphana University). The Roots of Female Emancipation: The Initializing Role of Cool Water.
- Paper 3: Eleonora Guarnieri (ifo Institute) and Helmut Rainer (University of Munich). Female Empowerment and Male Backlash: An Analysis of Domestic Violence and Women’s Employment Using Cameroon’s Colonial Past as a Lab.
- Paper 4: Rocco Macchiavello (London School of Economics and Political Science), Andreas Menzel (Cerge-EI), Atonu Rabbani (University of Dhaka) and Christopher Woodruff (University of Oxford). Challenges of Change: An Experiment Training Women to Manage in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector.
16:00 Coffee Break (UZH, RAA Atrium & E30)
16:30 Parallel Sessions 4
Session 4A: Firms (RAA-E-08)
- Paper 1: Lorenzo Casaburi (University of Zurich) and Rocco Macchiavello (London School of Economics and Political Science). Firm and Market Response to Saving Constraints: Evidence from the Kenyan Dairy Industry.
- Paper 2: Paul Carrillo (George Washington University), Dave Donaldson (MIT), Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich) and Monica Singhal (University of California). Scale Economies in SMEs: Estimates from Randomized Procurement Auctions in Ecuador.
- Paper 3: Dawit Tessema (IMF) and Daniel Gurara (IMF). Losing to Blackouts: Evidence from Firm Level Data.
Session 4B: Inequality (RAA-E-12)
- Paper 1: Markus Brueckner (Australian National University) and Daniel Lederman (World Bank). Effects of Income Inequality on GDP per Capita.
- Paper 2: Georg Hirte (Technische Universität Dresden), Christian Lessmann (Technische Universität Braunschweig) and André Seidel (University of Bergen). International Trade, Geographic Heterogeneity and Interregional Inequality.
- Paper 3: Ata Can Bertay (World Bank), Ljubica Djordjevic (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Can Sever (University of Maryland). Gender Inequality and Economic Growth: Evidence from Industry-Level Data.
Session 4C: Health (RAA-E-21)
- Paper 1: Anca Balietti (Harvard University) and Souvik Datta (University of Glasgow). Centimeters and Kilograms Lost to Smoke: Household Air Pollution, Stunting and Wasting in Indian Children.
- Paper 2: Adina Rom (ETH Zurich) and Isabel Günther (ETH Zurich). Adoption and Impact of Solar Lighting: A Randomized Field Experiment in Rural Kenya.
- Paper 3: Atonu Rabbani (University of Dhaka). Can Leaders Promote Better Health Behavior? Learning from a Sanitation and Hygiene Communication Experiment in Rural Bangladesh.
Session 4D: Transfers (RAA-E-27)
- Paper 1: Margherita Calderone (University of Turin). Are There Different Spillover Effects from Cash Transfers to Men and Women? Impacts on Investments in Education in Post-War Uganda.
- Paper 2: Fadima Yaya Bocoum (Institute de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé), Michael Grimm (University of Passau), Renate Hartwig (University of Namur) and Ann-Kristin Reitmann (University of Passau). Transfers within the Extended Family: Evidence from Burkina Faso.
- Paper 3: Viola Asri (University of Zurich). Is Crowding out of Private Support a Valid concern? Social Pensions and Coresidence in India.
18:00 Walk from University of Zurich to ETH
18:30 Plenary Session with Keynote Address and General Discussion (ETH F3)
James Robinson, University of Chicago
19:30 Apéro (ETH, Foyer EO Nord)
Saturday and Sunday, 30 June – 1 July 2018 (optional)
Hiking in the Swiss mountains, at own expense and risk. (Location: Appenzell)
The organizers wish to thank the University Foundation of the University of Zurich, the KfW Development Bank, the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) of the ETH and University of Zurich, the NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation of the ETH, and the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich for sponsoring this event.