Conference 2014 in Passau

„Development Economics and Policy“

The 2014 Conference on Development Economics and Policy takes place from
27 to 28 June in Passau (Germany), and is hosted by the University of Passau.

Keynote Speakers:

Friday, 27. June 2014, 18:00

Paul Glewwe, Professor of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
„Policies to Improve Student Learning in Developing Countries: What We Know and What We Should Do to Increase our Knowledge.“

Saturday, 28. June 2014, 13:15

Erwin Bulte, Professor of Development Economics, Wageningen University and Tilburg University

“Development Aid and Development: Experimental Evidence from the Forest Edge in West Africa”

Programme Overview     —     Detailed Programme     —     Abstracts     —     Venues, Hotels, and Directions     —     Orientation in Passau     —     Host


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