Förderpreis 2025 für praxisrelevante Entwicklungsforschung

Der Entwicklungsökonomische Ausschuss des Vereins für Socialpolitik vergibt in enger Kooperation mit der KfW Entwicklungsbank den Förderpreis 2025 für praxisrelevante Entwicklungsforschung.

Der Preis will den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis fördern und honoriert herausragende Forschung, die das Verständnis vertieft, wie Entwicklung geschieht, gelingt oder gefördert werden kann. Der Preis richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen und prämiert drei Doktorarbeiten, die wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und Praxisrelevanz für die Entwicklungspolitik vereinen.

Die aktuelle Ausschreibung finden Sie here. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte here.

Call for Papers – German Development Economics Conference (GDE) 2025

The Standing Field Committee of Development Economics of the German Economic Association invites submissions for the German Development Economics Conference (GDE), which will be hosted by Goethe University Frankfurt on June 12-13, 2025.

The annual conference brings together international scholars and researchers of development economics and neighboring fields. Plenary sessions with keynote speakers, parallel sessions with contributed papers, and poster sessions will reflect the current state of research in development economics and provide a forum for exchange for researchers and practitioners.

It is our pleasure to announce Lori Beaman (Northwestern University) and Imran Rasul (University College London) and the keynote speakers.

We invite you to submit your full papers for consideration. The submission period opens on December 9th, 2024, and concludes on February 15th, 2025. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by late March 2025.

Please find further information and the full Call for Papers here. For submissions and more details, visit the official conference website.

Research of Members

Tevin Tafese, Jann Lay, Van Tran (2025) From fields to factories: Special economic zones, foreign direct investment, and labour markets in Vietnam, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 174. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2025.103467]
Satellite imagery Google Earth Pro

Vietnam ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte der Globalisierung. Die tiefe Integration Vietnams in die Globale Wertschöpfungsketten wurde durch die Einrichtung von Sonderwirtschaftszonen (SWZ) vorangetrieben. In diesem Papier werden die Auswirkungen dieses SWZ-Programms auf den lokalen Arbeitsmarkt untersucht. Wir verfolgen die bebaute Fläche der SWZ im Laufe der Zeit, um ein neuartiges kontinuierliches Maß für die die Präsenz von Sonderwirtschaftszonen zu konstruieren, indem wir historische Satellitenbilder verwenden. In einem Differenz-in-Differenzen-Design mit kontinuierlichem Treatment untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen der Präsenz von SWZ auf die lokalen Arbeitsmarktergebnisse auf Bezirksebene für den Zeitraum 2009-2019. Wir stellen fest, dass die Ausweitung der SWZ zu einer raschen Verlagerung der Beschäftigung von Selbstständigkeit und Familienarbeit in der Landwirtschaft hin zur industriellen Beschäftigung in ausländischen Unternehmen geführt hat. Wir zeigen auch, dass SWZ zu höheren Löhnen und mehr formellen Arbeitsverträgen führt. Diese Verbesserungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf Arbeitnehmer in ausländischen Unternehmen, sondern wirken sich auch auf Beschäftigte in Familienbetrieben und anderen inländischen Unternehmen aus. Die Auswirkungen auf Frauen sind für den größten Teil dieser Effekte verantwortlich.

Grimm M., S. Soubeiga and M. Weber (2024), Supporting small firms in a fragile context: Comparing matching and cash grants in Burkina Faso,Journal of Development Economics, 171, 103344. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2024.103344]

We used a randomized controlled trial to compare matching grants earmarked for technical training and consulting services with more flexible cash grants and with a control group. The experiment was implemented in a semi-urban and rural fragile setting where subsidizing innovative activities might be particularly important. Firms were selected on the basis of a business plan competition. After two years, beneficiaries of cash grants showed higher survival rates, improved business practices, a higher degree of formalization, and more activities for innovation relative to recipients of matching grants and the control group, but we saw no effects on profits, sales, and employment. Across all outcomes, beneficiaries of cash grants performed better than beneficiaries of matching grants, for them the treatment effects are smaller and often insignificant, though implementation costs were higher. Recipients of cash grants also increased their capital stock more and were more resilient to the COVID-19 crisis.

Further Information.


Postdoctoral Research Position at GIGA

The GIGA is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (m/f/d) specializing in Geopolitics and Geo-Economics with a focus on China/Asia. This full-time position offers an initial three-year contract, with a possible extension, and a salary in line with EG 13 TV-AVH / TVöD. Part-time options will be considered, if so desired by the successful candidate.

The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work on geopolitical/geo-economic issues with a focus on Asia, in particular China. Potential research areas include but are not limited to China’s and/or other Asian countries’ foreign policy approaches (and domestic determinants thereof), interna- tional partnerships and intra-regional cooperation, connectivity issues, trade and in- vestment relations, global supply chains, technological competition, and China’s eco- nomic and political engagement in/with other world regions.

The successful applicant should start as soon as possible. Screening of applications will begin on 1 September 2024.

Further information can be found here.

Multiple job offers at the University of Göttingen

The Chair of Development Economics (Prof. Fuchs) at the University of Göttingen invites applications for three positions: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (similar to Assistant Professor; Besoldungsgruppe A 13 NBesO/100%), Postdoctoral Researcher (13 TV-L/100%), and PhD Research Fellow (13 TV-L/65%). 

These roles will participate in the Chair’s research project “Tapping innovative data sources to analyze the impact of authoritarian states on global development“, and conduct independent research. Moreover, the positions include teaching responsibilities.

All three positions are limited to three years, with the possibility of extension for the PhD position. All applications should be submitted by August 13, 2024. Starting date is as soon as possible.

Further information can be found under the following links: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD Research Fellow.

Event Information

Digital Development Dialogue 2024/25

The 3D Seminar The 3D seminar is a monthly 45-minute online forum, in which one researcher and one practitioner touch upon key topics in development policy, stimulating a meaningful dialogue across the theory and practice divide. The sessions will be held at 3:00 PM (UTC +1, Berlin Time Zone).

Further information about the 3D seminar can be found on the website. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Call for Papers: 2024 Doctoral Workshop

The Development Economics Committee of the German Economic Association invites submissions for the 2024 Doctoral Workshop, organized by Prof. Sebastian Vollmer at the University of Göttingen. This workshop is scheduled to take place on 26 September 2024 in Göttingen.

Participants must be registered doctoral students in development economics at a university in a German-speaking country, fluent in English, and have a draft research paper ready. Supervisor attendance is encouraged but not required.

While there are no fees, participants must arrange and fund their own accommodation, food, and travel. Interested applicants must submit extended abstracts (2-3 pages) or full papers (PDF) by 22 August 2024.

Further information can be found here.

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