Call for Papers: Africa in the global economy – Uncertain future in turbulent times?

The 2nd edition of the international research conference „Africa in the global economy – Uncertain future in turbulent times?“ hosted by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) will take place in person on 5-6 December 2024 in Bonn, Germany. The organizers invite scholars to submit abstracts on their work on deepened economic relationships within Africa and with external partners until 1 May. The conference is jointly organized by IDOS, AERC, Boston University, ERF, the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance and the Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains.

Further details can be found here.

Call for Papers – German Development Economics Conference

We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming German Development Economics Conference scheduled for May 23-24, 2024, and hosted by Leibniz University Hannover. We are thrilled to announce that our keynote speakers for this year’s conference are Sandra Sequeira from the London School of Economics and Tavneet Suri from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

We invite you to submit your full papers for consideration. The submission period opens on December 1st, 2023, and concludes on February 15th, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by late March 2024.

Please find further information and the full Call for Papers here.

Research of Members

Danzer, Alexander M., and Lennard Zyska. 2023. „Pensions and Fertility: Microeconomic Evidence.“ American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15 (2): 126-65. DOI: 10.1257/pol.20200440

A long-standing theoretical claim is that children serve as their parents' retirement assets in the absence of formal social security systems. But how can this hypothesis be tested empirically? The paper studies the context by examining the introduction of a comprehensive and financially lucrative pension system in Brazil. While employees in metropolitan areas have been paying into a state pension system for several decades, employees and self-employed people in rural areas of Brazil only gained access to a state pension scheme with the constitutional reform of 1991. The research shows that women who were able to qualify for the state pension system at a young age actually had fewer children. Compared to the control group (women in urban settlement areas for whom no change was made in pension provision), the women affected by the introduction of the pension system had on average 1.3 fewer children at the age of 45, and thus fewer than 4 children per woman. This accelerated the decline in birth rates in rural Brazil that had already been occurring for many decades. The pension reform thus exacerbated the demographic undermining of the pay-as-you-go pension system in Brazil.

Liebenehm, Sabine, Ingmar Schumacher, and Eric Strobl. 2023. Rainfall Shocks and Risk Aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Empirical evidence on the temporal stability of risk aversion and the role of exogenous shocks is inconclusive. In this paper we revisit this problem and analyze whether and to what extent risk aversion changes in response to rainfall shocks in an agrarian setting, and the role of changes in yields and output prices as two potential channels. We study this both in a simple theoretical model and in an extensive empirical study. The theoretical model predicts that under prudence, households that are either a net seller, a net buyer, or autarkic, increase risk aversion. To test the model predictions, we use a panel data set of the same 1,005 respondents from Northeastern Thailand and Central Vietnam (TVSEP) interviewed across five survey waves between 2008 and 2017 and combine it with historical rainfall data at the village level to capture negative rainfall shocks. Our empirical strategy exploits exogenous variation in the timing, location, and magnitude of rainfall shortages to identify their effect on risk aversion. We find that rainfall shortages increase respondents’ risk aversion, a finding remarkably stable across alternative specifications. The magnitude of the main effect of rainfall shortages on risk aversion is largest among net buyers, and approximately half the size among net sellers. Autarkic households do not exhibit a significant effect. Although rainfall shortages lead to significant reductions in agricultural yields and significant increases in commodity prices, the mediation analysis suggests that these market mechanisms do not play a significant role, except for a small statistically significant mediating effect of prices among the net buying household group. The finding that rainfall shortages lead to significant increases in risk aversion, especially among households that depend on local markets to buy food, has potentially important implications for food security and poverty dynamics. An increased level of risk aversion can undermine investments, e.g., in a beneficial technology, induce forgone returns, and increase the likelihood to fall or being pushed further below the poverty line.

Further Information.


Postdoctoral Researcher in Economics at Wageningen University

The Section Economics based at Wageningen University is inviting applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship position starting on October 1, 2024. As postdoctoral researcher, you will work in a NWO funded project focusing on the intra-household allocation of educational resources in low- and middle income countries. In particular, you will be responsible for the preparation and implementation of a field experiment in Indonesia. Your tasks include experiment and survey design, communication with research partners, data analysis and drafting of articles in close collaboration with the team members. You are expected to dedicate at least 75% of your research time to this project, while the remaining 25% can be spent on your own research initiatives.

All applications should be submitted by June 2, 2024. Further information can be found here.

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in an der Universität Osnabrück

Das Fachgebiet „Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik“ des Fachbereiches „Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ an der Universität Osnabrück sucht zum 1. Oktober 2024 eine*n wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 100%). Die Stelle ist auf drei Jahre befristet und kann um weitere 3 Jahre verlängert werden. Es besteht die Option einer Teilzeitbeschäftigung.

Zu den Hauptaufgaben der Stelle zählen die aktive Mitwirkung in der Lehre, die Unterstützung der Forschungstätigkeiten des entsprechenden Fachgebiets sowie die Mitarbeit in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung. Darüber hinaus wird die Möglichkeit zur Promotion bzw. Habilitation angeboten.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 12.05.2024 entgegengenommen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie here.

Event Information

Call for Papers – „Finance and Development“ Workshop

Financial systems are developing rapidly around the global South. These developments increase the need for research into their effects, especially regarding issues of financial inclusion and individual as well as institutional responses.

To this end Heidelberg University’s South Asia Institute and the Department of Economics will host the sixth annual workshop “Finance and Development” in Heidelberg, Germany, on May 16 in the afternoon and May 17, 2024.

Deadline for submitting full papers and presenter nominations is February 2, 2024, with selection decisions to follow by March 8.

Further information can be found here.

Call for Papers – Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)

The Research Training Group Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) at the University of Passau is organizing the first DPE Forum on „Bytes and Behemoths: Understanding Power in Digital Platform Ecosystems,“ to be held on June 4-5, 2024. The forum will feature keynote speakers Professor Marshall van Alstyne (Boston University) and Professor Dr. Martin Selmayr (European Commission in Austria). Abstract submissions are welcomed until January 31, 2024.

The full Call for Papers can be found here.

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